Injury & Violence Prevention
This course is designed to address concepts, knowledge and skills related to promoting personal health and safety through injury and violence prevention.
It is widely recognized that problems related to injury and violence are prevalent across all ages and in all cultures, impact physical, mental, social, environmental and spiritual health and wage significant costs to society. This course will be looking at these issues through the lens of American society and will consider personal change processes and environmental change strategies that are promising for promoting lifestyles that reduce the likelihood of injury and are free of violence. School, community and legislative policies that promote healthy and safe environments will be identified. Participants will apply the course teachings in on-line discussions, reflection papers and student units of study.
Instructional methods include a virtual meeting at the beginning of the course, online readings, discussions, and assignments, and telephone and email communications with the instructor/s as needed. Students are required to complete weekly assignments and Learning Tasks, and a final paper at the end of the course.