Course Category ARCHIVE
Umatter Protocols date TBD
Best Practice Protocols
Umatter® for Schools – Castleton Spring 2021
Brandy new course..TBC
Umatter® for Schools Fall 2021
Brandy new course..TBC
Promoting Personal Health and Safety through the Prevention of Injury and Violence
This course is designed for school health staff, consultants and community partners to provide a sufficient level of knowledge, skills and resources to teach in a school’s health curriculum and Injury and Violence Prevention Education Program. The aim is to…
Umatter Schools 2022
The Umatter® for Schools Suicide Prevention national best practice program for suicide prevention
Umatter®: Preventing Suicide in the School Community — ARCHIVE
This short course provides training on how suicidal ideation and depression can impact student learning and success in school. Intended for school staff, volunteers, parents and school community members, the course informs adults on the societal attitudes, risk and protective…
Umatter®: Preventing Sexual Abuse in the School Community
This short course provides training on how sexual violence and abuse can impact student learning and success in school. Intended for school staff, volunteers, parents and school community members, the course informs adults on the societal attitudes, the grooming process…
Injury & Violence Prevention
This course is designed to address concepts, knowledge and skills related to promoting personal health and safety through injury and violence prevention. It is widely recognized that problems related to injury and violence are prevalent across all ages and in…